About Home Crew Coalition
The Home Crew Coalition supports a bipartisan solution to ensure American Family Field has the resources it needs to remain one of the best ballparks in all of baseball and to keep major league baseball in Wisconsin for the next generation.
Led by community leaders from every corner of Wisconsin, the coalition supports a bipartisan solution. Home Crew Coalition aims to raise awareness about the important economic benefits the ballpark provides to Wisconsin.
Since opening in 2001, American Family Field has generated more than $2.5 billion in economic activity in Wisconsin resulting in millions of dollars in tax revenue for Wisconsin and fueling thousands of jobs. Baseball is an integral piece of Wisconsin’s economy.
And those numbers don’t begin to touch on the benefits Wisconsin’s economy sees from the Brewers and the stadium. Bar owners’ buses shuttle fans to and from the stadium every game. Wisconsin’s tourism and hospitality industry relies on millions of people from around the state and nation traveling to Milwaukee to visit the ballpark for games or concerts. Without baseball and the ballpark, there would be a hole in the center of our local and state economy.
We must protect Wisconsin baseball for the next generation. Add your voice today!